Boyne Public School

1110 Farmstead Drive, Milton,  ON  L9E 0B5

Telephone:  905-864-9641                           email:

Upcoming PA Day:  February 14th                      Family Day:  February 17th

Registrations for kindergarten are now underway !

Kindergarten registration for September 2025 now open at the Halton District School Board 

New to the area and want to register for school? 

Learn more by visiting the Register for School webpage on the HDSB website. New and/or returning to Ontario? Visit the Welcome Centre webpage on the HDSB website for information on registering for school.

Out of Area Transfer Requests (2025-2026) - Elementary Schools

Students looking to attend a school other than their home school can do so by completing an Out of Area Transfer Request Application. Applications are being accepted from Jan. 6 - Feb. 28, 2025 and can be submitted to your home school.  Please note that not all schools are open for transfer requests.  For a list of open schools and to obtain a copy of the application, visit the HDSB website: HDSB Out of Area Transfer Requests Document  (See page 6 for the form to complete and submit to the home school) or click on the button below.

Extended Absences

If your child will be absent up to 14 school days please record through School Messenger

If your child will be absent 15 school days or more please complete an Extended Absence Form and submit to the office.  Click on the button below.

Grade 2 French Immersion Information - Registration is now closed

Please contact the school if you have missed the deadline and still want to apply (current grade 1 only).  Grade 2 French Immersion Information

Important Notices

School starts at 8:55 a.m.

Supervision starts at 8:40 a.m. Please arrive on time

Parking around the School
Please follow the Town parking signs on the streets when leaving your vehicle

UTurns are prohibited in front of the school for student safety.

School Hours

Supervision Begins

8:40 am


8:55 am

Period 1

8:55 - 9:55 am

Period 2

9:55 - 10:55 am

Nutrition Break 1

10:55 - 11:35 am

Period 3

11:35 - 12:35 pm

Period 4

12:35 - 1:35 pm

Nutrition Break 2

1:35 - 2:15 pm

Period 5

2:15 - 3:15 pm


3:15 pm

Supervision Ends

3:30 pm

Milton School Trustee

Naveed Ahmed​



Milton - Wards 3 & 4​​ 

Police Checks

The Halton Regional Police Services' Information and Records Services Dept has requested that we share the attached letter about the police check online process with our families. Offence Declarations must be signed each year at the school to keep the police check up to date.

Boyne Calendar

Boyne Announcements

Work Hard.  Be Nice. Make a Difference